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[Dalian clothing industry to high-end customization transformation]
Release date:[2024/7/23] Read a total of[97]time

Customs statistics show that in the first half of the year, the import and export of foreign trade in China's northeast region also delivered the best results in history. The total value of foreign trade in Northeast China reached 613.86 billion yuan, an increase of 1.5% year-on-year and a record high in the same period. Poke video, through an example of the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries to accelerate the development of foreign trade, to see the new changes in the old industrial zone.

Clothing processing is a traditional advantageous industry in Dalian. In recent years, enterprises here have taken the initiative to innovate and change, focusing on high-value-added single-volume single-cut business, leading the industry to transform from batch clothing to customized clothing with "intelligent and digital" production, and gradually getting rid of the traditional growth mode.

These days, on an intelligent production line of an enterprise, the robot arm is automatically cutting the fabric according to the customized size, and the automatic hanging system automatically identifies different processing needs and sends the materials to the next required process.

Different from the mass production of clothing, there are many varieties of customized clothing materials and parts, and the processing needs are also varied. In view of the characteristics of customized clothing "short production, urgent delivery and zero inventory", Dalian Customs implemented the operation mode of "intelligent supervision and classified audit".

Yu Min, Deputy Chief of the Processing Trade Section of Jinpu Customs, Dalian Customs: We embed customs supervision into the "intelligent" and "digital" flexible production system of enterprises, and realize the combination of enterprise self-management and customs intelligent supervision. At present, the business custom clothing from 10 working days to 3 working days.

At present, a number of garment enterprises in Dalian have successively carried out "customized" garment processing business, and the "cluster" effect of the industrial chain has initially emerged. According to statistics, from January to June this year, Dalian achieved "customized" clothing exports of 445 million yuan, an increase of 2.9%.

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