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[Functional polypropylene fiber flame retardant fiber]
Release date:[2017/12/15] Read a total of[1093]time

According to incomplete statistics, polypropylene in the field of carpet and decorative applications as high as 80%. As a major member of the home, flame retardant properties are indispensable, but ordinary polypropylene has a LOI value of only 17%, which is easy to burn. How to make polypropylene flame retardant a problem that must be solved.


Currently, the flame retardancy of polypropylene is mainly caused by the addition of flame retardant in polypropylene fiber, which is mainly because the process of the blended yarn is simple, the cost is low, and the flame retardant effect is also very good. Commonly used flame retardants have just begun to halogen series, bromide and antimony trioxide and other synergistic use, but due to process equipment corrosive, but also prone to toxic gases, not suitable for industrial production, so this The method has been stuck in the small test stage, there is no industrial production.


Flame retardant for polypropylene deepening research, halogen flame retardants gradually reduced to phosphorus as the central element of the compounds are widely used.

Qinfeng Fiber production of flame-retardant polypropylene fiber has excellent moisture permeability and fast drying, good combability and spinning performance, can produce soft and toughness appropriate fabric, fabric light weight, good warmth, delicate touch, taking Comfortable, acid and alkali At the same time with rapid melting, good filling and sound insulation.

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